Saturday, August 15, 2009

Finally doing it!

So, I've been talking about starting up a blog for a few years now. I never did for a number of reasons ranging from not having anything I think others would deem interesting to read to simply not getting around to it. Well, I'm here now!

My hope is for this blog to chronicle the sometimes not-so-easy but always worth it life of me, Heather.

Let me be clear, here. I truly believe I have a charmed life. I recently acquired a pretty good job that I believe will help me to someday get to my dream career that I am finally starting school for. I have a spectacular but sometimes, or rather most of the time, crazy family. My core group of girlfriends consists of six of the absolute most fantabulous girls you will ever have the priveldge of meeting. And to top it all off I have the most amazing man created by God and he just so happens to be a firefighter and my very best friend. Together we live in a beautiful home with two of the cutest furbabies alive.

So honestly, I don't have much to complain about. But hey, we all have our days. So when juggling work and school gets to be too much; when my usually sweet but always insane family is driving me crazy; when I miss seeing my girls because too much is going on or when being in love with a firefighter begins to worry me sick...I'll come here. To get it all out so it doesn't stain my days.

Alternatively, when I have a too good to hold it in day, I'll let you all know. These days happen more often than the others so I hope to share with others positivety and hope. And with that I'll leave you with some words from Mr. Jimmy Buffett until next time...

"Cause I'm livin' on things that excite me, be they pastries or lobsters or love;
I'm just tryin' to get by being quiet and shy, in a world full of pushin' and shove."

--Jimmy Buffett, 'The Wino and I Know'.